Tay Chin Heng - Project Portfolio Page for Quotesify


I am part of a team of 5 software engineering students, and we were tasked to design and implement a Command Line Interface (CLI) desktop application for our team project. The application that we developed is called Quotesify. I was tasked with the Category Management feature in Quotesify.

About the project

Quotesify is a free desktop application to help book readers improve their reading experience. With Quotesify, users can add books and quotes they wished to remember into the application. Users can also categorize their books and quotes, as well as rate their books. Quotesify is also built with a progress tracker to manage your reading activities.

Summary of Contributions

This section shows a brief summary of my contributions to the team project, including coding, documentation and other helpful contributions throughout the development of Quotesify.

Code contributed:

Please click here to access the code that I contributed in this project.

Enhancements implemented:

1. Category Management feature

What it does:

Justification: The Category Management feature is designed to allow users to categorise their existing books and quotes in Quotesify. This feature is useful especially when the user has a large list of books and quotes stored, as it helps them organise these items into groups, making each item easier for reference.

Highlights: The total number of items tagged under a category is displayed whenever a user runs the command to list all categories. The aim is to provide the user a basic statistic on the number of items under each category, just in case if they may be interested.

2. Storage feature

What it does:

Justification: The Storage is a must-have component for Quotesify as it would have defeated the purpose if a user’s favourite books or quotes only lasts on runtime.

Contributions to the UG and DG:

Contributions to team-based tasks:

Contributions beyond the project team: