User Guide

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction

Quotesify is a free desktop application to help you in your reading activities. With Quotesify, you can add books and the related quotes that you wish to remember. You can categorize your books and quotes by author, customized categories, and even rate your books. Quotesify also comes with a progress tracker just to improve your reading experience.

Quotesify is available for download on all major operating systems such as Windows, Linux and OS-X.

2.0 Quick Start

Before you begin, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Ensure you have at least Java 11 installed on your system.
  2. Download the latest Quotesify JAR file from here.
  3. Open your command line or terminal and navigate into the file directory where you saved the application.
  4. Run java -jar [CS2113T-T09-3][Quotesify].jar to launch Quotesify.
  5. Type a command in the command line and press ENTER to execute it. You should see the following:
  6. Refer to 4.0 Usage for details of each command.

Note: The examples and expected outcome given in each section are independent from the other sections, and not meant to be in sequential order.

________                __                .__  _____       
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 /  / \  \|  |  \/  _ \   __\/ __ \ /  ___/  \   __<   |  |
/   \_/.  \  |  (  <_> )  | \  ___/ \___ \|  ||  |  \___  |
\_____\ \_/____/ \____/|__|  \___  >____  >__||__|  / ____|
       \__>                      \/     \/          \/    
Welcome to Quotesify v2.1!
Before you continue, here's something:
Better days are coming, they are called Saturday and Sunday.

What would you like to do with Quotesify?

Note: If you have added a quote before, the quote printed will be randomized.

3.0 Features

Wondering what Quotesify can do for you? Read this section to find out more!

3.1 Book Management

To manage your books, the book management feature allows you to add, delete and edit books you’ve already read or wish to read. You can then mark these books as done if you’ve already finished reading them, list them according to their authors or completion and even find any book you want by just typing in keywords.

What are you waiting for? If you’ve struggled with keeping up with your long booklist, Quotesify is here to help!

3.2 Quote Management

The quote management system in Quotesify allows you to add your quotes, list, edit and delete them acting as a log to keep track of all your favourite quotes. You can also store additional information such as the author of the quote and reference from where it was taken. As the list may get large over time, you can find specific quotes from keywords with the search feature. Last but not least, you can add your thoughts to quotes stored in Quotesify by adding a reflection to it allowing you to expand and note down important ideas or why this quote resonated with you.

If you are someone trying to remember and apply productivity tips from a book you just read, or someone trying to track those all inspiring quotes to come back to, Quotesify’s quote management system is the perfect fit for you!

3.3 Progress Tracker

Progress Tracker in Quotesify allows you to add, update, list and delete bookmarks for the books you add. It also allows you to add, mark as done, list and delete tasks in the todo list.

With the bookmarks you have created, you can record your reading progress and trace to the page you stopped at quickly. With the tasks in your todo list, you can set reminders for various activities and easily find the most urgent task in the list.

If you hate flipping pages to find the page to continue reading, or want to develop a reading habit by setting many goals of reading, this feature is prepared for you!

3.4 Category Management

Category Management in Quotesify allows you to create, list, edit and delete categories at your free will. With the categories you have created, you can simply tag them to any book or quote and list all of them in a categorised fashion. Whenever you have second thoughts about a given category name, simply change the name or remove it whilst Quotesify helps you update the change across all books and quotes.

If you are someone who likes being neat, organised and efficient, this feature is for you!

3.5 Rating System for books

The rating system in Quotesify allows you to rate your books from 1 to 5 star. With this system, you will not forget how you feel about the books you read, and will always be ready to recommend a book to your fellow book readers. Ratings can be edited whenever you change your mind about the book, or be deleted when you are not interested in that rating anymore. Ratings can also be listed according to their rating score - with your favourites at the top - as well as be searched based on keywords in the title.

With Quotesify’s rating system, remembering the books you love will never be an issue for you!

4.0 Usage

This section will walk you through the features in Quotesify.

4.1 Book Management

Do you have books you are currently reading and want to keep track of them? Or do you have a list of books you wish to read in the future but could never remember them? You can add books to your booklist so that you can refer to it at any time.

4.1.1 Adding a book: add -b

You can add a book to your current booklist.

Format: add -b BOOK_TITLE /by AUTHOR

Example of usage: add -b Harry Potter /by JK Rowling

Expected outcome:

The book [Harry Potter by JK Rowling] has been added!

4.1.2 Completing a book: done -b

Finished reading a book? You can now mark your book as done.

Format: done -b BOOK_NUMBER

Example of usage: done -b 2

Expected outcome:

The book [Harry Potter by JK Rowling] has been marked as done!

4.1.3 Listing all existing books: list -b

Want to see what books you have in your reading list? You can list all books currently in your booklist.

Format: list -b

Example of usage: list -b

Expected outcome:

Here is a list of all books:
1. [x] Becoming by Michelle Obama
2. [x] Harry Potter by JK Rowling
3. [x] The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis
4. [x] The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis

4.1.4 Listing book details: list -b

Want to check a book’s details? You can list the details of a book by specifying the book number.

Format: list -b BOOK_NUMBER

Example of usage: list -b 2

Expected outcome:

Case 1: When the book has not been rated and not completed.

Here are the details of your book:
Title: Harry Potter
Author: JK Rowling
There are no categories created!

Case 2: When the book has been rated but not completed.

Here are the details of your book:
Title: Harry Potter
Author: JK Rowling
There are no categories created!
Rating: 5

Case 3: When the book has not been rated but completed.

Here are the details of your book:
Title: Harry Potter 
Author: JK Rowling
There are no categories created!

Case 4: When the book has been rated and completed.

Here are the details of your book:
Title: Harry Potter
Author: JK Rowling
There are no categories created!
Rating: 5

4.1.5 Listing books by an Author: list -b

You can list all books currently in your booklist with the same author.

Format: list -b /by AUTHOR

Example of usage: list -b /by CS Lewis

Expected outcome:

Here is a list of books by CS Lewis:
1. [x] The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis
2. [x] The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis

4.1.6 Listing books by completion: list -b

Only want to see the books you have finished or not finished? You can do that using the command below.

4.1.7 List done books

Format: list -b done

Example of usage: list -b done

Expected outcome:

Here are the books you have completed:
1. [v] Harry Potter by JK Rowling
4.1.8 List undone books

Format: list -b undone

Example of usage: list -b undone

Expected outcome:

Here are the books you have yet to complete:
1. [x] Becoming by Michelle Obama
2. [x] The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis
3. [x] The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis

4.1.9 Finding books by keyword: find -b

Can’t recall the book title you want in your long list of books? You can find the book using a keyword.

Format: find -b KEYWORD

Example of usage: find -b the

Expected outcome:

Here is a list of books with the keyword "the":
1. [x] The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis
2. [x] The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis

4.1.10 Deleting a book: delete -b

Don’t need a book anymore? You can delete the book permanently.

Format: delete -b BOOK_NUMBER

Example of usage: delete -b 2

Expected outcome:

The book [Harry Potter by JK Rowling] has been deleted!

4.1.11 Editing an existing book: edit -b

Accidentally typed in the wrong book title? You can edit your book titles.

Format: edit -b BOOK_NUMBER /to NEW_TITLE

Example of usage: edit -b 2 /to Harry Potter 2

Expected outcome:

The book has been edited from [Harry Potter] to [Harry Potter 2]!

4.2 Quote Management

Came across an inspiring quote while reading, or a useful productivity tip from an article only to forget it after some time? Quotesify is here to help you store and track those all inspiring quotes while reminding you about them so you’ll never forget!

4.2.1 Adding a quote: add -q

Adds a quote to your current list of quotes.

Format: add -q QUOTE {[/by AUTHOR] | [/from REFERENCE]}

Example of usage:

  1. add -q Life is short, smile while you still have teeth
  2. add -q Luke, I am your father /by Darth Vader
  3. add -q Get schwifty! /from Rick and Morty
  4. add -q So everyone’s supposed to sleep every single night now? /by Rick /from Rick and Morty

Expected outcome 1:

The quote ["Life is short, smile while you still have teeth"] has been added!

Expected outcome 2:

The quote ["Luke, I am your father" - by Darth Vader] has been added!

Expected outcome 3:

The quote ["Get schwifty!" - from Rick and Morty] has been added!

Expected outcome 4:

The quote ["So everyone’s supposed to sleep every single night now?" - by Rick, (from Rick and Morty)] has been added!

4.2.2 Listing all quotes: list -q

Lists all existing quotes.

Format: list -q

Example of usage: list -q

Expected outcome:

Here are all your quotes:
1. "Life is short, smile while you still have teeth"
2. "Luke, I am your father" - by Darth Vader
3. "Get schwifty!" - from Rick and Morty
4. "So everyone’s supposed to sleep every single night now?" - by Rick, (from Rick and Morty)

4.2.3 Listing quotes from a specific reference: list -q

Lists all quotes tagged under the specified reference title.

Format: list -q /from REFERENCE

Example of usage: list -q /from rick and morty

Expected outcome:

Here is a list of quotes from rick and morty:
1. "Get schwifty!" - from Rick and Morty
2. "So everyone’s supposed to sleep every single night now?" - by Rick, (from Rick and Morty)

4.2.4 Listing quotes from a specific author: list -q

Lists all quotes tagged under the specified author.

Format: list -q /by AUTHOR

Example of usage: list -q /by darth vader

Expected outcome:

Here is a list of quotes by darth vader:
1. "Luke, I am your father" - by Darth Vader

4.2.5 Listing quotes from a specific author and reference: list -q

Lists all quotes tagged under the specified author and reference.

Format: list -q /by AUTHOR /from REFERENCE

Example of usage: list -q /by rick /from rick and morty

Expected outcome:

Here is a list of quotes from rick and morty by rick:
1. "So everyone’s supposed to sleep every single night now?" - by Rick, (from Rick and Morty)

4.2.6 Editing an existing quote: edit -q

Edits an existing quote from your list of quotes.

Format: edit -q QUOTE_NUMBER /to QUOTE {[/by AUTHOR] | [/from REFERENCE]}

Example of usage: edit -q 2 /to No, I am your mummy /by Darth Vader

Expected outcome:

The quote has been edited from: ["Luke, I am your father" - by Darth Vader] to ["No, I am your mummy" - by Darth Vader]!

4.2.7 Deleting a quote: delete -q

Removes a quote from your current list of quotes.

Format: delete -q QUOTE_NUMBER

Example of usage: delete -q 1

Expected outcome:

The quote "Life is short, smile while you still have teeth" has been deleted!

4.2.8 Finding quotes: find -q

Finds existing quotes containing a keyword.

Format: find -q KEYWORD

Example of usage: find -q sleep

Expected outcome:

Here are the results of my search:
1. "So everyone’s supposed to sleep every single night now?" - by Rick, (from Rick and Morty)

4.2.9 Adding reflection to a quote: add -qr

Adds your reflection to an existing quote.

Format: add -qr QUOTE_NUMBER /reflect REFLECTION

Example of usage: add -qr 1 /reflect No, That’s not true. It’s impossible!

Expected outcome:

Reflection has been added to quote! 
Quote: "No, I am your mummy" - by Darth Vader [R]
Reflection: No, that’s not true. It’s impossible!

4.2.10 Listing reflection of a quote: list -qr

Lists reflection of an existing quote.

Format: list -qr QUOTE_NUMBER

Example of usage: list -qr 1

Expected outcome:

Here is the reflection you are looking for!
Quote: "No, I am your mummy" - by Darth Vader [R]
Reflection: No, that’s not true. It’s impossible!

4.2.11 Editing reflection of a quote: edit -qr

Edits the reflection of an existing quote.


Example of usage: edit -qr 1 /to Who is Yoda’s daddy?

Expected outcome:

Reflection has been updated!
Quote: "No, I am your mummy" - by Darth Vader [R]
Reflection: Who is Yoda’s daddy?

4.2.12 Deleting reflection of a quote: delete -qr

Deletes reflection of an existing quote.

Format: delete -qr QUOTE_NUMBER

Example of usage: delete -qr 1

Expected outcome:

Reflection for the quote ["No, I am your mummy" - by Darth Vader] has been deleted!

4.3 Progress Tracker

If you want to save your reading progress, you can do so by adding bookmarks to the books you read. If you want to set a goal on reading, you can do so by adding tasks (with deadlines) to your todo list.

4.3.1 Add bookmarks: bookmark -b

Adds a bookmark to a book that has been already added.

Format: bookmark -b BOOK_NUMBER /pg PAGE_NUMBER

Example of usage: bookmark -b 1 /pg 109


Expected outcome:

The bookmark ["Harry Potter" at page: 109] has been added!

4.3.2 List bookmarks: list -bm

List all bookmarks that you have already added.

Format: list -bm

Example of usage: list -bm


Expected outcome:

Here is the list of all bookmark(s) recorded:
1. "Harry Potter" at page: 109
2. "Fantastic Beasts" at page: 56

4.3.3 Delete bookmarks: delete -bm

Delete the bookmark that you have already added.

Format: delete -bm BOOKMARK_NUMBER

Example of usage: delete -bm 2


Expected outcome:

The bookmark ["Fantastic Beasts" at page: 56] has been removed!

4.3.4 Edit bookmarks: bookmark -b

Update the bookmark that you have already added. The command is the same as adding a new bookmark.

Format: bookmark -b BOOK_NUMBER /pg PAGE_NUMBER

Example of usage: bookmark -b 1 /pg 185


Expected outcome:

The bookmark ["Harry Potter" at page: 185] has been updated!

4.3.5 Add tasks: add -t /by


  1. add -t TASK_NAME /by DEADLINE
  2. add -t TASK_NAME /by YYYY-MM-DD
  3. add -t TASK_NAME
    • You must specify the task name.
    • If you want to use YYYY-MM-DD format, remember the date must exist in real life. Fake date such as 3001-02-30 will be rejected by the system and treated as an unformatted deadline (plain text).

Example of usage:

  1. add a task with an unformatted deadline: add -t return Harry Potter /by tmr 2pm

Expected outcome:

The task [[x] return Harry Potter (by: tmr 2pm)] has been added!
  1. add a task with a formatted deadline: add -t return Harry Potter /by 2020-10-24

Expected outcome:

The task [[x] return Harry Potter (by: Oct 24 2020, SATURDAY)] has been added!
  1. add a task without any deadline: add -t return Harry Potter

Expected outcome:

The task [[x] return Harry Potter (by: not specified)] has been added!

4.3.6 List tasks: list -t

If successful, you will see a full list of todo tasks added by you. If some tasks have formatted deadlines (YYYY-MM-DD), they will be arranged in ascending order of date and displayed ahead of those with unformatted deadline.

Format: list -t

Example of usage: list -t

Expected outcome:

Here is the list of all task(s) recorded:
1.[x] task4 (by: Sep 13 2020, Sunday)
2.[x] task3 (by: Oct 24 2020, SATURDAY)
3.[x] return Harry Potter (by: Oct 25 2020, SUNDAY)
4.[x] task 1 (by: 1908008)
5.[x] task 2 (by: 1999-12-34)

4.3.7 Mark tasks as Done: done -t

Format: done -t TASK_NUMBER

Example of usage: done -t 1


Expected outcome:

The task [[v] return Harry Potter (by: tmr 2pm)] has been marked as done!

4.3.8 Delete tasks: delete -t

Format: delete -t TASK_NUMBER

Example of usage: delete -t 1


Expected outcome:

The task [[v] return Harry Potter (by: tmr 2pm)] has been deleted!

4.4 Category Management

If you like customising your own list, you can do so by categorising your books and quotes.

Note: All categories will be stored in lower-case format.

4.4.1 Add categories: add -c

Add one or more categories to a specified book or quote.

Format: add -c CATEGORIES {[-b BOOK_NUMBER] | [-q QUOTE_NUMBER]}

Example of usage:

  1. add -c fantasy -b 1
  2. add -c inspirational -q 1


Expected outcome 1:

I have tagged category [fantasy] to the book [Harry Potter]!

Expected outcome 2:

I have tagged category [inspirational] to the quote ["Life is Great"]!

4.4.2 List categories: list -c

List all existing categories.

Format: list -c

Example of usage: list -c

Context: Assuming the category action has been previously added and assigned to 2 items.

Expected outcome:

Here is the list of all categories:
1. action - (2 items)
2. inspirational - (1 items)
3. fantasy - (1 items)

4.4.3 List items in a category: list -c

List all books and quotes tagged under the specified category name.

Note: Each item is numbered by its BOOK_NUMBER or QUOTE_NUMBER from its respective list.

Format: list -c CATEGORY

Example of usage: list -c fantasy

Expected outcome:

Here are the list of items tagged as [fantasy]:
1. Harry Potter by JK Rowling

4.4.4 Delete categories: delete -c

Remove one or more categories from a specified book or quote.


Example of usage:

  1. delete -c action
  2. delete -c fantasy -b 1
  3. delete -c inspirational -q 1


Expected outcome 1:

I have removed category [action] from all books and quotes!

Expected outcome 2:

I have removed category [fantasy] from the book [Harry Potter]!

Expected outcome 3:

I have removed category [inspirational] from the quote ["Life is Great"]!

4.4.5 Edit an existing category: edit -c

Edit an existing category name.


Example of usage: edit -c fantasy /to romance

Context: Assuming the category fantasy still exists.

Expected outcome:

The category has been changed from [fantasy] to [romance]!

4.4.6 Find an existing category: find -c

Find existing categories related to a keyword.

Format: find -c KEYWORD

Example of usage: find -c man

Context: Assuming the category romance has been previously added.

Expected outcome:

Here is a list of categories with the keyword "man":
1. romance - (1 items)

4.5 Rating System for books

Are you having your own opinions about the books you read? You might want to record down your favorites, so that you can recommend the best books to your friends and fellow book readers.

4.5.1 Adding a book rating: add -r

Adds a rating to a book.


Example of usage: add -r 5 1

Assuming the book “Harry Potter” exists with an index of 1.

Expected outcome:

You have just rated [Harry Potter by JK Rowling] 5 star!

4.5.2 Listing book ratings: list -r

Lists ratings of books.

Format: list -r [RATING_SCORE]

Example of usage:

  1. list -r
  2. list -r 5

Assuming the book “Harry Potter” exists and is rated 5 star.

Expected outcome 1:

Planning to recommend some books? Here are your rated books!
[Harry Potter] by JK Rowling: 5 star

Expected outcome 2:

Here are the books you rated as 5 star!
[Harry Potter] by JK Rowling: 5 star

4.5.3 Deleting a book rating: delete -r

Deletes a rating from a book.

Format: delete -r BOOK_NUMBER

Example of usage: delete -r 1

Assuming the book “Harry Potter” exists, has an index of 1, and has been rated before.

Expected outcome:

Rating for [Harry Potter by JK Rowling] has been deleted!

4.5.4 Editing an existing book rating: edit -r

Edits a rating of a book.


Example of usage: edit -r 4 1

Assuming the book “Harry Potter” exists, has an index of 1, and has been rated before.

Expected outcome:

Ratings for [Harry Potter by JK Rowling] has been updated to 4 star!

4.5.5 Finding book ratings: find -r

Finds ratings of books that have the specified keyword in the title.

Format: find -r KEYWORD

Example of usage: find -r POT

Assuming the book “Harry Potter” exists and has been rated 4 star.

Expected outcome:

Here are the ratings you may be looking for!
[Harry Potter] by JK Rowling: 4 star

4.6 Getting help in Quotesify

Forgotten the commands to get things done? You will not be left feeling lost. Quotesify got you covered with the Help page.

Format: help

Example of usage: help

Expected outcome:

Feeling stuck? Well here are the things you can do with Quotesify v2.1:
                                1. Book Management
Add book:                                                        add -b BOOK_TITLE /by AUTHOR
Mark book as complete:                                           done -b BOOK_NUMBER
Delete book:                                                     delete -b BOOK_NUMBER
Edit book:                                                       edit -b BOOK_NUMBER /to NEW_TITLE
List books:                                                      list -b [/by AUTHOR]
List book details:                                               list -b BOOK_NUMBER
List books by completion:                                        list -b done/undone
Find book:                                                       find -b KEYWORD
                                2. Quote Management
Add quote:                                                       add -q QUOTE {[/by AUTHOR] [/from REFERENCE]}
Delete quote:                                                    delete -q QUOTE_NUMBER
List quotes:                                                     list -q {[/by AUTHOR] [/from REFERENCE]}
Edit quote:                                                      edit -q QUOTE_NUMBER /to NEW_QUOTE {[/by AUTHOR] [/from REFERENCE]}
Find quote:                                                      find -q QUOTE_NUMBER
Add quote reflection:                                            add -qr QUOTE_NUMBER /reflect REFLECTION
Delete quote reflection:                                         delete -qr QUOTE_NUMBER
Edit quote reflection:                                           edit -qr QUOTE_NUMBER /to UPDATED_REFLECTION
List quote reflection:                                           list -qr QUOTE_NUMBER
                                3a. Bookmark Tracker
Add bookmark:                                                    bookmark -b BOOK_TITLE /pg PAGE_NUMBER
Delete bookmark:                                                 delete -bm BOOK_NUMBER
List bookmarks:                                                  list -bm
Update bookmark:                                                 bookmark -b BOOK_NUMBER /pg PAGE_NUMBER
                                3b. Task Tracker
Add task:                                                        add -t TASK /by DEADLINE
Delete task:                                                     delete -t TASK_NUMBER
List tasks:                                                      list -t
Mark task as done:                                               done -t TASK_NUMBER
                                4. Category Management
Add category:                                                    add -c CATEGORY {[-b BOOK_NUMBER] | [-q QUOTE_NUMBER]}
Delete category:                                                 delete -c CATEGORY {[-b BOOK_NUMBER] | [-q QUOTE_NUMBER]}
List categories:                                                 list -c [CATEGORY]
Edit category:                                                   edit -c OLD_CATEGORY /to NEW_CATEGORY
Find category:                                                   find -c KEYWORD
                                5. Rating System for books
Add rating:                                                      add -r RATING_SCORE BOOK_NUMBER
Delete rating:                                                   delete -r BOOK_NUMBER
List ratings:                                                    list -r [RATING_SCORE]
Edit rating:                                                     edit -r RATING_SCORE BOOK_NUMBER
Find ratings:                                                    find -r KEYWORD
                                Other useful commands
Show this help page:                                             help
Quit Quotesify:                                                  bye
Remember: words in [] are optional, and words in CAPS are your own input
Hope this helps!

~ Your friends from Quotesify

4.7 Terminating the program

Done what you wished to do? Here’s how to say goodbye and hope to see you soon!

Format: bye

Example of usage: bye

Expected outcome:

Before you continue, here's something:
Better days are coming, they are called Saturday and Sunday.
Alright, have a nice day!

Note: If you have added a quote before, the quote printed will be randomized.

5.0 FAQs

Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?

A: Launch Quotesify on your other computer and exit the program. Copy the save file located in data/quotesify.json on your current computer and replace it with the save file on your other computer. Launch Quotesify on your other computer again and the saved data should load.

Q: What is a JAR file? Why do I need it?

A: A JAR (Java ARchive) file is a container file that holds other smaller files, similar to a Zip file. JAR files are practical as it groups everything a Java program requires to run allowing others to run the program with a single file.

Q: What if I run into bugs while using Quotesify?

A: Please head over here and create a new issue tracker with a description of the bug. Our dedicated team of developers are always on the clock squashing any bugs found! Alternatively, you can also reach us at!

Q: I have a suggestion for Quotesify, what should I do?

A: The team at Quotesify is constantly seeking to improve and better the experience for our users! If you have a suggestion for Quotesify, please do not hesitate to reach us at!

6.0 Command Summary

Enter the following command To do this
add -b BOOK_TITLE /by AUTHOR Add book
add -q QUOTE {[/by AUTHOR] [/from REFERENCE]} Add quote
add -qr QUOTE_NUMBER /reflect REFLECTION Add quote reflection
add -t TASK /by DEADLINE Add task
add -c CATEGORIES {[-b BOOK_NUMBER] [-q QUOTE_NUMBER]} Add categories
bookmark -b BOOK_NUMBER /pg PAGE_NUMBER Add bookmark
list -b [/by AUTHOR] List books
list -b BOOK_NUMBER List book details
list -b done/undone List books by completion
list -q {[/by AUTHOR] [/from REFERENCE]} List quotes
list -qr QUOTE_NUMBER List quote reflection
list -bm List bookmarks
list -t List tasks
list -c [CATEGORY] List all categories / List items in a category
list -r [RATING_SCORE] List ratings
edit -b BOOK_NUMBER /to NEW_TITLE Edit book title
edit -q QUOTE_NUMBER /to NEW_QUOTE {[/by AUTHOR] [/from REFERENCE]} Edit quote
edit -qr QUOTE_NUMBER /to UPDATED_REFLECTION Edit quote reflection
edit -c OLD_CATEGORY /to NEW_CATEGORY Edit a category name
edit -r RATING_SCORE BOOK_NUMBER Edit rating
bookmark -b BOOK_NUMBER /pg PAGE_NUMBER Update bookmark
delete -b BOOK_NUMBER Delete book
delete -q QUOTE_NUMBER Delete quote
delete -qr QUOTE_NUMBER Delete quote reflection
delete -bm BOOK_NUMBER Delete bookmark
delete -t TASK_NUMBER Delete task
delete -c CATEGORIES {[-b BOOK_NUMBER] [-q QUOTE_NUMBER]} Delete categories
delete -r BOOK_NUMBER Delete rating
find -b KEYWORD Find books
find -q KEYWORD Find quotes
find -r KEYWORD Find ratings
find -c KEYWORD Find categories
done -b BOOK_NUMBER Mark book as complete
done -t TASK_NUMBER Mark task as done
help Show help page
bye Terminate the program